Best Urgent Care Billing Company

Delayed payments are always frustrating especially when you have already delivered your best and this happens in most cases of personal injury billing. Would you like to overcome these issues? Then you are in the right place.

At DoctorMGT, we have the best team of personal injury billing services specialists who can transform the way you manage your practice. Don’t let billing and collections consume your valuable time and energy; trust us to handle your personal injury billing and collections.

Allow us to help bring prosperity to your practice.

Our Specialties

Advanced Solutions for Urgent Care Billing

Are you fed up with high DNFB (Discharged, Not Final Billed) rates? Is your urgent care center suffering from managing a complex billing process resulting in revenue losses? Don’t let urgent care billing errors, or oversight deplete your practice’s cash. Optimizing income for your urgent care center entails more than simply leaving billing to chance. With our advanced urgent care medical billing services, you gain access to a team of seasoned professionals who specialize in urgent care billing and coding.

Billing Burnout?

Discover How DoctorMGT Urgent Care Billing Services Revitalizes Your Revenue Cycle

Expert Claim Management and Auditing for Better Revenue

Expert Claim Management and Auditing for Better Revenue Outcomes

Doctor Management Service is aware of the specific requirements of an independent facility and is committed to assisting you in reaching your objectives. Our featured Urgent Care medical billing services address healthcare facilities across the USA to improve cash flow and RCM operations for this specific specialty area of hospitals, ERs, and UC centers.

We select and work with super bills and health records, check the demographics and the insurance benefits, and do chart abstractions with Certified Professional Coders (CPCs). DoctorMGT ensures accurate claim coding, conducts audits for Medicare and HIPAA compliance, and manages claim submissions and rejections. Specifically for urgent care centers, our team also follows up on claims and monitors accounts receivable to ensure timely resolution.

Results-Driven Urgent Care Billing Solutions for California’s Providers

We provide competent urgent care medical billing services that meet your practice’s monetary requirements. Unlike other urgent care billing companies, Doctor Management Service focuses on results. Our staff has vast experience managing patient documents and billing workflows. This is why we are successful in managing urgent care providers’ revenue cycles as well as billing chores. Outsource your billing operations to us and we will implement best practices for your urgent care billing and collections from the outset.

Results-Driven Urgent Care Billing Solutions for California’s Providers​
Premium Solutions

Outsource Urgent Care Medical Billing Services for Quick TAT